Barcoding Recommendations

Let’s talk barcoding for a second. Every agency has their own way of handling it, but we have some recommendations that we thought would be helpful to share.

As it is, we supply you with a copy of our manifest and a set of our barcodes. The barcodes come in sets of two of the same number, because one barcode will go on your property, and the corresponding barcode goes on our manifest in the “SKU Number” field. On the manifest, you will also put a description of the item (or items).

There are several ways to go about this process; however, most departments take what we call a “grouping” approach to barcoding. An example of grouping would be: when smaller items are bagged or boxed, the barcode is placed on that bag or box, and then the manifest description would read something along the lines of “one bag or one box of 20 misc. watches.”

Keep in mind that just because they’re given to us in that manner, that does not mean we will necessarily sell them that way. We always take the time to go into each bag or box, evaluate each item, and then put together what we feel are the appropriate number of auctions to maximize the dollar revenue on the sale – all for the benefit of you and your agency.

No matter how many auctions we make out of a grouping, they will always tie back to the original barcode number you gave to us on your Manifest. If we took those 20 aforementioned watches and broke them out into 5 auctions, you would use the online reporting tool and find the original barcode number and directly beneath it will be all the auctions the 20 watches were split up into.

It is highly recommended to single-barcode anything you think is high value. To use the watch example again, imagine you have 20 watches, and one of those is a Rolex. It is recommended that you bag or box the 19 watches, and single-barcode the Rolex.

If an item is too large to bag/box – such as a large set of speakers, a lawnmower, or anything along those lines – it will require its own barcode.

Do you have questions about barcoding? As always, please feel free to reach out to our Client Success team at or call 866.799.3551.

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